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Not so Frugal Week

July 25th, 2006 at 09:20 pm

Hello frugal friends! Yes...I have not been good these past few days. Pizza dinner one night for girls sleepover we had here.....and some Chinnese another. Sunday was KING AND I theater tickets and then dinner at Cracker Barrel with the moms and daughters from dance studio. Today birthday lunch at at the tea shop for daughter, me and two ice cream! Tonight dinner out at Applebees with an old friend.
I never...I repeat much as far as fun is concerned.....but this is overkill! Hopefully the buck stops here for a bit.

One good story....I saw that drying racks were on sale at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I had my coupon from the newspaper and was ready to stop by and get one. I did stop at the junk shop in town....and there it was in all of it's re-sale splendor!!!!!!!!A very nice super large wooden drying rack!!!!!! For $6.00!!! I almost did a small Irish jig I was so happy. My daughters thought how BORING- a wooden drying rack???? and please do not dance in the junk shop mom!!

So that just proves it to me--- over and over....when you are faithful and patient sometimes God will provide in all sorts of ways. To be faithful in small things .....Bigger things seem to work out just fine.

I got called by my bank yesterday to switch savings accounts. I was using a basic savings account that yielded not much interest. I had been really socking my money here and there when possible --knowing I needed to switch over to a money market account savings plan. It pays better interest. I was thrilled to be able to finally switch. Plus I will get a monthly statement instead of one every three months. That to me is so much more encouraging! I love to make the account grow even if it is just a small amount I feel I am least going the right way...saving not depleting! I am so glad that opportunity occured...for once I was glad the bank called me!!

It is so hot again....! Very humid as well! I had the air off alot. Today I had it off as we were gone...but it is so hot in the house. I had to turn the a/c back on. I still use my fans to move the air around....they were a great buy at TARGET....I am so thankful I purchased two of for up and one for down.

The baby shower is Saturday. So far not a overly huge turnout....that is really OK--- it lowers my bill for food. Here is a question...if there is leftover I take it home or give it to the guest of honor? I figured since I paid for it......I take it home with me. I paid the gal from church to cater it all. Is that right? Is that proper??? I am a stickler for good manners. I am stumped on this one. Any help would be appreciated.

I have to take my son's car in for body work. He hit an older lady backing out at Walgren's the other day. They need five days to fix it all up. The guy I go to for body work runs a nice shop...he is a very trustworthy. I was so bummed with my son. He is still so young and is not experiencd. At least he was only going about 6 mph. He will have to pay the deductible. His insurance will have to be adjusted for sure.... I am nervous-- I did not budget for such high insurance. My ex is supposed to help me out with a third --but he is weird about it because sometimes I will drive my sons' car. Oh well....he just likes to be weird about many things. Especially when it comes to money..HIS MONEY.

I have been looking at all sorts of great blogs concerning money and budgetting. The sky is the limit ---there are so many! Each one adds to my knowledge or encourages me. It is amazing the wealth of knowledge and good advice and wisdom are out there.

Summer is going by quickly. We did some back to school shopping. I decided to skip alot of items that are required. It seems they never use them at school anyway. I got practical. I have a stash pile in the basement. That is so helpful to recycle items and pass things on to the spainish dictionary. My daughter starts in Spainish for 9th grade but my son,who had it for three yrs in HS is not taking it she will get the dictionary. Some folks mis-place so much re-usable stuff in general....they have to buy new all over again. Have a place for sticking school items. A box is good enough!

What joy!!! Now it is thundering outside...good --I hope it rains. I like the free water for the garden. Take care and stay frugal.

Rolling along with Role Models

July 21st, 2006 at 12:08 am

My parents are a fine and wonderful example of having a happy and good married life....yet....being frugal. They are careful and very thoughtful behind much that they do money wise. My mom is excellent in making something out of nothing! I am thankful that her fine example of homekeeping has rubbed partly on to me. She has taught me alot just by watching how she orders her life and home. My dad is orderly in his garage and bank account and investments. I think it is very important that in the journey of life, finances and living within our means....we have role models and fine examples to pattern ourselves after. If you want to learn how to be a fireman why would you go watch a guy who does landscaping? Dumb example....but I think it is so important to have someone you can watch from the sideline or right in front of them. Again my parents are great examples. I also have some friends who have either 5 or 6 kids- I watch them as well and learn how they make the dollar stretch. I also am blessed with many fine bad examples. Many of my neighbors are trying way too hard to impress someone. They are up to their eyeballs in debt. My ex-husband has a sister who is a bad example. Even my oldest daughter figured it out early on she is not a good role model to watch as far as money goes. I mean how many designer bags can one closet and one hand hold?? I have another friend who is going thru a divorce...mostly over really awful money woes that never seem to end and only get more compunded each year. It is like a snowball rolling down the hill that no one seems to be able to put the brakes on. Wrong role models for me.

I challenge myself and you, my friend, to keep looking for good role models who can encourage us along the way. I am talking practical and solid and ways. I mean I like Warren Buffet and his style of business....but he is not a practical example to me. I find so many right here in the blogging world....! Please be looking for a role model. Iron sharpens iron....we need others who seem to know a thing or two about budgets and investments and saving for the future to sharpen us and make us....hopefully a role model for someone else in the future.


July 20th, 2006 at 04:28 am

I would like to say HELLO to my sister who has visited my blog. What a nice surprise in Blog-ville to have her visit.

Have you been visiting this blog? If so let me know you are out there! I would love to say hello to you. Leave me a comment. Please be nice....remember I am a first time blogger!!

I am always intersted to visit other blogs and sites. I find it very interesting and most of the time I find such great places to visit.

So hello and greetings! I hope to journey along with you on saving money, being wise and staying far from debt or getting out of it as soon as possible.

Stumbling and Bumbling along

July 20th, 2006 at 04:17 am

Greetings all....I have no time to focus on my budget! What is wrong with me???? I feel overwhelmed in my life for some strange reason. Partly I had a bad week so far dealing with some ex-husband issues. It has really drained me mentally I guess. I will get to it. I am thinking about it as I move thru my day. Today I went to Barnes and Noble. When I got home I looked at my receipt. I could not figure why my bill was so high. Well it was easy to small paperback book I got on Divorce was $34.95!!! That book my friend is going back!!!!! That is plain pathetic in my opinion! That just shows me how wonderful the library is! Or the Half Price Bookstore. What do these publishers think???? Just awful! To top it all off----- the clerk tried to SELL me the advantage card for BARNES AND my small opinion a huge rip OFF!!! Yes they charge for their card. RIP OFF---

It is still hot here.....I am tring like the dickens to not have the a/c on when I am out and about. My two fans are awesome for moving the air around in a pleasant way.

How is your gas prices? I filled up a half a tank worth for $2.78 a gallon. I almost feel guilty....I know alot of you are paying a hefty sum for gas. Gas is outrageous......I see how bad it is on the news in some parts of the country.

The baby shower I am hosting is next Sat. Many ladies cannot come. On one hand I am so sad to not have them be a part of the fun...yet my budget is getting more in line with what I wanted to spend. I am looking forward to the fellowship and fun. I know my girls can not wait to hostess and be in charge.

Well I hope to report back that I DO HAVE A BUDGET.......wish me luck-

Is anyone working on figuring out a budget?

July 15th, 2006 at 02:39 am

I am going to try very hard in the next 7 days to prepare a real honest budget for myself. I keep putting it off. I would rather go to the pool or take a nap or do something fun with my kids, play with the kitties.....or sit on the frontporch! I really need to get this done!!!! Anyone care to join my little challenge? Why am I stalling??? I am not sure....but I need to get going on this pronto!

Old Habits die Hard

July 14th, 2006 at 03:19 pm

I have called my hoarding friend a few times. She has had her car break down and the washer at her rental house over flowed and flooded her basement. Thankfully she has a car from a friend to use and the plumber is coming over the landlord called him.

I tried to encourage her. She seems in good spirits! even though so much as happened again!

I was so sad--she told me she went to bed, bath and beyond and bought an expensive double rod rolling clothing rack to store her excess clothes. Then she told me she went shopping at BIG LOTS. Part of me wanted to scold her and part of me was shocked. I guess when you do hoard and shop compulsively it must be something you can not see in yourself.
I really really hope she get s revelation here soon. I now almost feel sorry for her. I will keep chatting with her....maybe I will make some head way.

Son blew a tire today on the way home from soccer practice at 8am......another expense! It is at the tire store now. It should be fixed by 3 today. Thankfully his coach saw his distress and pulled over on the road and helped him.

We stopped at Kohl's he needed some dress slacks and a few shirts for work....we got them on sale...but again another expense.
Stay cool is so hot here.....please keep your shades down and the fan on.

Use that Pantry up--

July 13th, 2006 at 06:06 pm

I have to get serious and cut back on we are eating out of the pantry. I just had to order a pc. of glass that is odd in was not cheap. It is so frustrating! To feel like I am making strides then BOOM.....I am not making strides.

Other ideas I have---
use up craft items in the basement-cheap entertainment.

Maybe have a fall garage sale. One that I get the proceeds. Really clean out.

No eating out for the rest of July-(like pizza) let the ex husband do that with the kids. Have him take them to the amusement park, movies etc...
Use free kids meals coupons before they expire.

No clothing items are to be purchased

Keep hitting the dollar store for needs and basic suplies.

Use the library more

Keep a/c turned down as much as possible!!

What things are you currently working on to make ends meet or save more money???

Hooray it is Weds!

July 13th, 2006 at 04:02 am

Not much to wonderful parents left today. The did a great job on my daughter's room--it is so pretty! I hope she is happy! I am still trying to clean and tidy the house...things got dis-organized with all the re-doing and painting. I have got to work on a budget. I have to tell my money where to go. I am in good control but I have got to do better. It has been humid here.....very very humid! I have had to use a/ is scary to have to use it so much. How are gas prices? Ours vary from town to is kinda strange.

I try to not drive or combine trips as it is crazy not to think that way--
I am working on reading some good budgetting books....and the other blogs for encouragement. It helps so very much. I am still socking away as much as I is so important to sock it now at my age, and being divorced......there is no other way.
So far we have had three homes go to sheriff sale in our neighborhood. I am not sure but I am betting that affects my home value.

Has anyone purchased school supplies yet?
I wish I was motivated to do that- my friend and her daughters are done...they went to STAPLES. I am thinking of doing it next week if there ar some loss leader/school supplies.

I am going to send my children's teacher some money. They have the little boy with cancer. The Lord has told me to give a large amount--I keep fighting this. They are very needy. I am going to do it on Thursday or by Friday. My kids are healthy---we are blessed--I have to learn to trust God in this area---

Stay encouraged this week----

Back to Blogging

July 11th, 2006 at 11:44 am

Greetings! I am finally back to the blog world. I have been so busy and continue to be busy!
The garage sale went really well...we made about $500.00! We had a super first day...took Friday off and then re-opened on Saturday. There was a tag sale down the street on Saturday so we took advantage of the extra traffic. We had tons of folks stop by...what a blessing that was for us. I was able to pack up all the leftover items not sold and take them directly to Goodwill. My son helped me pack and bag it all up. Goodwill took just about everthing. When we stopped at Goodwill I was overwhelmed by the mountains of items they made me wonder about how much excess we all have and how it is so not needed in all reality. The Goodwill seemed swamped with stuff! I got the garage cleaned up as well. So my daugther's class made some great money. All in all we had alot of fun and enjoyed hosting the sale. My daughter and her two pals did a great job organizing and pricing.

My friend finally was kicked out of her house. It was very nutty towards the end. She needed alot of help. She commented how she could of never had done it all without our was that BAD!!!I took van fulls of trash to my house! She was not able to leave any trash I took it all to my backyard. My yard was full!! It was very overwhelming! I was so glad I could help...otherwise she would of had to hire a company to pick it all up. They did have to call 1-800-got-junk? to take a huge pc. of carpet that weighed maybe 500 pounds! It was gross as her pets had urinated on it for years.....her house was so dirty and gross.....I felt very sorry for her in a way. I wish I knew how bad it was beforehand.....she needs to get some counselling in dealing with all her stress. She is so sweet but is in need of some mental health services. I will continue to check in with her
she was worried I would not continue to be her friend....I hope to keep up contact with her......
My tree lawn was full of trash on trash day! Thankfully the trash guys took it all!!! She is now in her new rental house and trying to settle herself. She seems to be doing fine. She had good day in court last week. She is now going to be getting some money from her ex. Hopefully her ex will start giving her the child support and spousal support she has bee owed for two yrs. She has been thru a things are looking up.

I also called 1-800-got-junk? They took a ping pong table and my old basketball hoop and pole on Monday. It was worth the $79.00.
I HIGHLY recommend this service. I booked my apt. online and saved $10.00 in doing so. They were excellent. They arrived on time and were super to deal with. If you have alot of junk and you need to de-clutter.....they are a great way to go.

My parents are here for three days. They are painting my daughter's room it is her Birthday gift. My mom sewed all new bedding and curtains-lets just say she is amazing! SO today my dad will prime the walls and hopefully paint. SO far he has fixed my downspout.....trimmed some trees and cleaned windows! He is amazing as well....! It is so nice to have some things done. Plus he has the tools and equipment to do it. We sat on the porch last night and was so nice to relax after a busy Monday. My daughter is in Chicago all week on a missions trip. So when she ges back she will have a brand new bedroom. I hope she is doing OK....I heard from her once when she go there. She is in a neighborhood that is Puerto Rican. They are working with an inner city church. They are hosting a sport camp and a Vacation Bible school. I keep thinking of her---hopefully she is doing fine. She seemed very excited to "rough it".

Next project is to clean the that the ping pong table is gone. I still have some clothes to take to Goodwill.....I am planning on doing it in early August when he kids are in FL. with heir dad. He has been bugging me and driiving me crazy. Iam not sre why.....I am usually never buggged. He told me someone is hosting a party for him and his honey. I think that thought of some sort of engagement party just hurt my feelings a bit. I think I am better times I am still amazingly raw in the emotions department.

I am not saving money this week it seems.
My parents want to go to the Cheesecake Factory tonight. I figure that would be a nice thing to do for is not exactly cheap.....oh well. My kids seem to be eating so much food too....summer is so much harder I think as far as food goes. I had to purchase some clothing items for my daughter for Chicago. So that was a set back as well. I hope to get back in the groove soon. It is bugging me!

I hope everyone else is doing better in the budget department.....have a great day.

Frugal Dinners

July 6th, 2006 at 07:02 am

What are some of your favorite dinner ideas that are somewhat frugal and simple? Here are a few of mine...and my children's--

pancakes and bacon or sausage
hobo beef foil packet dinner
pasta with a sauce and cheesy bread
canned soup and grilled cheesers
sloppy joes
english muffin pizzas
Kilbesa and baked beans
shake and bake chicken legs

I used to have so many I have about ten books. I use the web for recipes. The simplier the better for me.

Garage Sale

July 5th, 2006 at 01:37 pm

Not much time to write...we are having the garage sale on Thursday so we are working in the garage getting ready. All money raised goes to the freshman class....this is our first fundraiser for them, my daughter's class. I did this for my son's class and we made $500 last summer. I have had few parents donate but not too many.....we still will have a good sale I am sure.

We have to sort and price and get it all ready. I also have to do the baby shower invitations as well....summer is moving too quickly!

It is very cool out and so the ac is off and the windows are open! I hope to not spend too much this week.....we will see. I have a coupon for CVS so I hope to buy TP and some laundry soap. I can save a little with a coupon.

All the yardwork is done--- my son re-mowed since it rained so much our grass went nuts. The yard looks like a magazine cover! It really looks lovely. I love to sit on the porch swing and gaze upon the trees and is so wonderful to do that......I just love it out there!!!

Have a good day everyone. I really pray I keep up my energy and work well getting the sale ready with my kids. I truly pray that I stay on task and not get off track since I have so much to do.

So Thankful!

July 4th, 2006 at 03:40 pm

Hello everyone! I am so filled with gratefulness today. A few young men helped me and my kids help my neighbor today....we moved out so much on the free church trailer! It was wonderful to have strong guys to help lift and haul....we were so thankful! She has some more to do but she is in decent shape! She had a great day in court as well....she took my advice and stayed silent and let her lawyer talk. The judge took such pity on her......I think he was ultra shocked at her ex and how much she is owed money wise....The judge saw him in a very poor light. I am so thankful that the judge saw her plight!! Hopefully she will begin to get some money as she is so broke!

I am so thankkful I truly had the opportunity to help her.....I had to be patient and I had to bite my tongue so much! It really was a wonderful lesson for me.

We helped at church last night. We opened our church parking lot for visitors to watch the fireworks. It was so nice! We had a Dj and food and snacks... a popcorn machine and games for the kids.....we had so many folks say do it again next year! We had fun just loving people and being friendly! I got to chat with lots of nice people. My daughter helped too and she had a blast. I am so thankful I said yes to helping....I was so tired....I wanted to do nothing last night.....but I am so thankful I went!!!

I feel so exta blessed today......on the fourth of July I feel so thankful to live in USA....such freedom and oppoertunity we have. Be thankful today that you have good friends and family to perhaps celebrate with thnakful for all our blessings......I know I have written the word--thankful alot today in my little blog-- but it means so much to me today this precious hoilday we celebrate----enjoy your day!

Family Fun

July 3rd, 2006 at 03:33 am

Well....I wanted to do something for the Holiday----- We trimmed all the bushes and weeded. That was fun....but such hard work! My kids actually helped and did not complain one bit!!! My daughter did alot of the trimming and she did such a good job! She is only 14 so I was amazed how nicely she did them. My son really helped as well. I have three bushes in the backyard that were hand me downs from my ex MIL years and years ago. They served their time but were looking really bad. So my son said lets rip them out and do it over! It was neat to see everyone getting excited over ripping out bushes and dirt! My son did most of the hard was really hard!!!!!!

I am getting some mulch on Monday and I went and got five little bushes to plant. It is amazing how fresher it looks and well.....nice! My kids really had fun raking and looking at worms and bugs.....we even found a plastic ring buried in the dirt...we pretended we found a long lost treasure and we wondered if we should sell it on eBay!!! It was a fun laugh!

I helped my friend who lost her house...with more things today....mostly I helped type her resume. It was so sad my printer ran out of ink!!!!!I was able to email it to another friend and get it printed for her. She needs it for her court appearance at noon on Monday.

We made stuffed shells tonight...boy were they great! I got the pasta on the clearance shelf at the grocery store. I have an easy recipe if you would like it ----let me know!

The lady who has helped me with cleaning forever has been in the hospital. We visited her after church complete with pink flowers and balloons! We had a nice time seeing her. She is in for tests....she may have liver cancer. All other cancers have been ruled out. She seemed in pretty good spirits. I think her hubby is very worried.....he is a sweet doting hubby! Very attentive to her every need.

I have a busy week coming seems overly crazy for some reason. I will have to pace myself and keep a good list going on my tablet on my desk.
I have not done anything with my spousal support check for the month of July....I am hoping to make it till next month and put a chunk of it in my savings. I just want to as much as I possibly can. I am not worried but I do not want to waste it or fritter it away......I seem to have a busy money month. My daughter needs those eyeglasses...she graciously has offered to wait and make due....they keep falling off her face now and I really appreciate her saying that.

I have fallen off the laundry wagon....I am so behind! When I work outside...I seem to not get things done inside....oh well...I can do it on Monday.
Enjoy your Holiday!

Happy Friday

June 30th, 2006 at 01:50 pm

It is hard to believe we are heading into the Fourth of July weekend! Not too many plans. My ex has the kids all day Monday thru Tuesday morning. They are going to a carnival in the town next door. They go each fourth. I think they are cooking out and maybe playing golf. My ex lives on a golf course. I am helping out at my church on that Monday evening. The fireworks are near my church and lots of people park in our church parking lot to watch them. So we hosting a small carnival and providing restrooms at our church. I am helping sell snacks and pop. It is a way to reach out to the town and just show we are friendly and welcoming. I hope it goes well. It is the first time we have done this. We used to meet in a school for church but two yrs ago we built a simple church building. We are right across from a large new shopping center. We built it on an old farm. The owners of the farm were elderly. Their dream was to sell the land to a was pretty neat how the whole deal worked out so nice for everyone.

I have to think of some fun things to do on the fourth with my kids. I keep asking them and they seem to not know.
I want to do something that everyone will like...together! That seems like a tall order!

I am going to make a chore list for the family today as kids have become lazy as of late. My son really is the one who needs to see he has to help around the house. He does mow....every weekend but he needs to do way more. I hope to get some time to think thru the idea and develop a plan of attack.

Have been spending money it seems. Needed to buy bathing suits for three girls. My oldest needed a more modest suit. It was hard to find...and when I got it I realized it was not on was pricey but I had to get it. We did get pizza last night. I did Dominos....3 pizzas for 15.00. That is such a deal. There are two pcs. left...that is it! My kids love pizza!
So I told the kids that was our treat.
I hope to slow down in the spending department. I told the kids they are suited, shorted, and flip flopped for summer.......I am done with purchasing.
I have to start thinking about back to school. I have started a stash to help pay for the baby shower I am hosting. I also have my one daughter's friend birthday party she is having. It should be fairly reasonable. Part of the party is going to the playground for games and gift opening. So hopefully the weather will be nice that day.

If you like to pray...please lift up a little boy who is three named Issiah who has cancer. The parents just found out he has a tumor in his tummy and it is in his bones. The dad is a teacher at my children's school. They are a young family with two other little boys---finances are tight as well.

I was so devastated to get this news. Please feel free to pass the info along to others. Thank you.

Spent Money!!

June 27th, 2006 at 05:02 pm

Gee whiz....I had to pay for summer dance classes for my two daughters--
about $300.00. There a few things I did not put into my budget when I was mediating my divorce. Like summer dance classes. I also am having to take down my huge rusty old basketball pole. My dad offered to do it but it is so top heavy!! My ex paid a fortune for this thing. It is so rusted that the backboard is no longer adjustable.....we never adjusted it anyway. That was a toy my ex had to have! Now it is a is very shaky and I just worry with a windstorm or heavy rain like we have could fall.
Now I have to pay $200 to get it removed and take out the concrete that is hazard now. My dad says he can do it but there is NO WAY! He is much older and I can just see him falling or having it crash on someone. So I now have to pay to have that removed. I know it is worth it and I will be glad to be rid of my ex's toy that he left behind!

I am trying to not get discouraged. Expenses are part of kids....and part of running a household.

I went to walmart and they had the water we like on sale! It was so cheap ...much cheaper than the grocery store...I bought 14 --8 packs! My poor daughet pushed the cart and it looked like we were planning for a terror attack. I saved a boat load money wise. My kids will drink that water and it is better than soda or other junk. It is worth it. Plus my daughters glasses that I bought at Pearle Vision-- which by the way was huge rip off.....are never tight and are constantly falling off her face. Whata disappointment! So the guy at walmart did it for free. Plus they are so much closer so I saved some gas. I bought two new tee shirts for me.....I live in tee shirts. White and Hot pink. I do not have a great wardrobe.....but at this point I do not care. We did look at the clearance area....but it was still all marked pretty high. We did buy two
card games. I love to play card games on the porch with the is such a nice, fun way to spend the evening. I tend to loose game parts.....sometimes card games work for me.

I am tryng to look at the good in everything and not get too worried.
I just cut back where I can to cover the costs elsewhere. I think when you don't get back elsewhere...that is when you get stung!

I have the a/c off again and we are hunting around the basement for garage sale things. I do not have that many items....I tend to not let clutter pile up too much. My two young daughters are playing with the Barbie house and Barbies.....they are having some fun.
Cheap entertainment! They were doing their dance stuff they learned yesterday too....It is so wonderful when the kids play nicely and really have fun together. Sometimes I guess it is more fun to argue and disagree.

Have a great day everyone.

Sunday evening

June 26th, 2006 at 02:08 am

Today I helped me neighbor the one with all the junk a bit. She has made some progress. I took some things for my garage sale. I also took one big box of trash out to the curb...that was major. A friend of hers came by with a UHAUL and bought some furniture from her....large pieces. I was sitting on my porch when her ex drove by and started to dig thru her trash! I watched it and it was so strange to see this man with a nice golf shirt and shorts and decent car dig thru his own trash! He took a blanket. In a way I pitied this family....and this man.

I helped her go thru three drawers in her bathroom and boy was it bad! I told her I was proud of her and she kept dumping....tons of old gross and used up makeup maybe from the 80's. I told her alot of funny stories that kept her going. I also saw her attic today...filled ...filled...filled!!! It is terrible!! I got bummed out for much waste and junk and dollars of stuff sitting there doing nothing but causing stress on top of more stress. My two daughters bubble wrapped alot of china dolls with inches of dust of them. I was proud of the girls for putting up with her detailed instructions. They were patient and attentive. I was proud of them.

I did not do a lot today. Took out the trash and did some more grocery shopping. We needed bottled water. I did not buy alot of food...we will make due.
We read on the porch.

We went to church this morning. The gentleman who prayed said this neat quote...."try to see the good in everything" I liked mater what my finances look like....we have to look for the good things and not complain. I have a good friend. I noticed today when I said something she right away said a complaint in repsonse to what I said. If I said...I need to run some errands she would say I am sick of running around. If I said I have some yardwork to do she would say it is so hot and she gets tired from all the work she has to do. After a bit the conversation got off track and filled with lots of negatives. I learned that I have to watch my tongue and be on guard. I can make my conversation a list of grumbles.

No matter what the budget says or the bank account there is room to be thankful. When we can't do this or that because there is simply no money for it....rejoice in what we do have. Tribulations make us better people and better parents, neighbors and friends......better everything. We never ask for them or desire them but they will and do occur.......some of us get troubles evey day it seems...others get them in waves. So we need not grumble but try to see the good in it all. That can be a tall order somtimes....I find it is easier to complain and vent and let it rip!!!! Good abounds all around us....the trick is to focus on it and not the grumbles. I hope I can model this for my children and be faithful to do it consistently.

Spending money this weekend....!!

June 24th, 2006 at 09:56 pm

1. Take kids to the local carnival Sat. evening and let them go on some rides.
2. Buy some porch items....$20
3. Go to the grocery store for things....

How Will I Save Money this Weekend

June 24th, 2006 at 02:47 pm

1. Hang two loads of towels and sheets on clothesline
2. Not run the a/c
3. Eat birthday party leftovers
4. Try not to turn on many lights tonight
5. Take some books to the half price book store that are brand new
6. Put pennies in penny jar
7. Look thru all my greeting cards and oganize so I do not have to buy cards for a long long time
8. Begin to organize school supplies I have on hand so I do not re-purchase for new school year
9. Get to the library
10. Be thankful my ex took the kids to see Cars....he paid for the movie and all the snacks.
11. Enjoy front and relaxing!

Baby shower musings

June 24th, 2006 at 01:53 pm

I am hosting a shower for a friend who is expecting a "surprise baby" in Sept. She has a bunch of kids her youngest being in fifth grade. This is a blended family. She is in her mid forties. At first she was not too happy about things---but after a month or so got very excited about it. She is a teacher and the baby is due on her first day of school!

I think most of her family was not too happy and thought she had flipped her lid. I am pretty sure when she announced her news they kinda scowled at her. To lift her spirits a bit I offered to host a baby shower at church on a Saturday afternoon in July. At first she was kinda embarassed and said just a few people and please keep it low key! That would be easy enough. I would budget and save up for the shower.

I just got her guest list and there are at least 75 church moms,family and friends and young daughters. I was kinda shocked. I am not sure about that many people! Thankfully I did reserve a room at church in which to host this event as there would be no way I could do it at home. Thankfully I found a gal at church who is going to help me by preparing the food and bringing it all and cleaning it up for a reasonable...I mean reasonable price. She is doing drinks and cake and a few small finger foods. I am trying to not get bummed out with my friend as I did offer to host the shower for her.
I guess I thought low key meant low numbers of attendees!

I am not doing shower games...just talking, eating and opening gifts.
I think that is OK....the gift opening alone could take awhile.
I guess I better start getting the invitations organized. I bought some $1 packs of pretty notecards at that was a wonderful savings!

I guess being a thrifty person at heart I am fighting an internal battle of how much stuff does a baby need?? And is that practical??? I guess I just better try to not get too caught up in it and just be the host. I will say it does cause me to re-think things when my girls get to be brides and new mom's to be on how showers and such might be handled. I guess I can only try to be a good role model in being practical and thrifty.

I think I will be Ok and all will be well.....maybe I am just a little nervous about hosting such a big event all on my own so to speak. By the way it is a girl!

What a day or so--

June 22nd, 2006 at 08:42 pm

Last night we had terrible thunderstorms. My little one will not go to bed when it storms...I was up so late. Same for tonight--more storms! I am not looking forward to tonight. It is raining. So we are stuck in the house.
I am pretty tired from her sleeping with me. I know it will happen again tonight. The girl had three flashlights with her in my bed last night!! I love her but she is driving me a little buggy right now. I am cranky because I am so darn hot too. I am not using the a/ is 90 and humid. I am not sure how much I can take. I am trying to not turn it on till 6pm. I hope I make it. Trying to save anyway I can at this point.

We did some shopping and found a few things for my porch. Alot of my candles were no more and a few were not good anymore. So I bought a new candle ... (blueberry scent)....and a new latern. I also got a new ironing board for $4.99 the kind that is small and sits on top of a table plus two cookie sheets. Mine were so bad.....I was so glad to get new ones.

Gas shot up in price to 2.79 or more around here. Oh was nice while it lasted! I got some medical bills and my new insurance I have just for me I think is seems like nothing is covered. I got a bill for a mamogram for $300...I thought that was covered! I better call or look at my plan better. I got a few bills from spring for my son from the orthopedic well. I am praying my son does not get hurt in fall High School soccer. He is expensive when he gets hurt. I have to pay the out of pocket medical items. My ex pays for the childrens' insurance. It sure adds up.

Tomorrow my first born DD is having her birthday sleepover party. We are going to swim for part of the party but it looks like more rain. Thankfully these girls can talk and entertain themselves.
We have some games planned and have a few prizes. We will watch a DVD. They are going to do makeovers too. And EAT of course!!!
I pray I survive. I hate to lose sleep....between giggly girls and a girl who hates thunderstorms!

I did clean out my little ones book case. I have about 100 kid books for the garage sale....I have plenty left to read. When I was a new mom I bought books like a nut! So I have a nice collection! Some books I am saving so when I am a grandma....I will have some great old books that my kids loved. My mom did that and it was a treasure to get some books I had as a child. That is the best gift to give....books.

I need to get working on laundry. The clothesline is out because of the rain....that stinks.

There is a carnival in town. I mentioned it to my ex. I am hoping he takes the kids to it this weekend. He is taking them to see CARS too. He does all the outings that cost money. He can afford no problem. Sometimes it seems unfair....but for the most part I roll with things and try not to complain.

I dreamed last night my ex and I were visting..he and I were being so nice and we decided I think to be great friends. Then I saw myself hugging him. I am not sure what that meant. I guess being a single parent can be a lonely job sometimes. Especially when you are trying to be a good role model in so many areas. Maybe I wanted him to approve of the job I was doing....or maybe I miss things the way they used to be....I am not sure!!!

I salute each and every single mom and each and every single dad who is trying to do the right thing as much as possible. It is not easy at times.....yet sometimes things DO click and wow......harmony and blessed peace abound! We see that all our efforts to raise our kids and do things that may put our goals and dreams on hold is best. Giving instead of getting. Seeing things with new eyes. So hugs to all of you!

Dollar Store

June 21st, 2006 at 12:52 am

Greetings! Yesterday I spent around $39 at the dollar store. I was purchasing birthday party suppplies for my middle daughter. We got candy, paper plates and napkins, cups, balloons, and goody bags. Qtips, 3 bottles of shampoo my teen daugher loves, a brush and sun tan lotion. We got a few other things that I can not remember. I like the dollar store for certain things.

Today I took my friend to see my other friend(the pack rat lady) She has so much furniture and her daughters are going to get an apt this fall at college so they need things cheap to set up housekeeping college style. I have never been in her basement and MAN WAS IT EVER HORRIBLE!!!! the girls did get a neat IKEA type chair, old wood dresser and two brass and glass tables. There is couch they are thinking about. I could not believe the junk in that basement. It will take a month alone to rid that basement of stuff. Again my girls were along with me and they got another valuable lesson on why we do not hoard! They saw the mountains of stuff. A huge amount of boxes were filled with empty toy boxes! It was sad all over again.
It encouraged me to get ready for our school garage sale I am hosting in July. We need to raise some money for my daughter's freshman we are hosting a sale. I did it for my son's class last year and we made $500 at my house. It was alot of work but fun. My daughters love to set it all up.

I got out my porch furniture finally!
It is such a chore but so worth it in the end. It provides great free entertainment! My daughter wants me to buy some more flowers. I have decided to be stingy this year and go with less flowers. They are costly. So the porch looks pretty good--- the furniture is holding up pretty well. It is worn but not too awful. Few pillows I had to toss they were mildewy....

We went to the pool and packed a lunch. It tastes better at the pool. Grapes, chips, salami sandwiches, cookies and pop. I was glad I had plenty of lunch things on hand.

We may go pick strawberies on Weds. I have alot of house work to do so we may go for a short time and then work around here. There are tons of places to pick. I enjoy it but not for a long time...too hard on my back!

I paid my bills and will deposit my money I got unexpectedly on Weds. I will put some in checking and some in savings. My savings has reached a goal I wanted. I am proud of myself. I am really putting alot away. I do not mean that in a prideful way.....I have seen that slow and steady is perfeclty fine. I also tithed...... 5% to my childrens school and 5% to church. It is so important to me. I think my parents would kill me if they knew I tithed. They feel that is not a good thing and God has enough---thank you very much. I feel I can not afford not to tithe. I also gave to my little ones' Adoption agency. They are trying to buy bouncy chairs for Chinese orphanages to stimulate the babies who are not held enough. I had to give..that one tugged at my heart. I can not imagine a baby not being held or cuddled. It breaks my heart if I think about it too long.

Today -thru my church--I was asked to phone call a dad about handling his divorce in regards to his children. I was able to call him and give him some wisdom. It is heartbreaking to hear of families breaking apart. I gave him some book suggestions as well. He seemed surprised I called him. I was glad I could encourage this guy. Maybe God will change her heart and they will not divorce. I will say I prayed for that for one year.....I do not think that prayer was ever uttered by my then husband of 18 years.

I had a dream about my ex MIL and SIL. They showed up at my house...boy did I scream and give them the business! In the dream I was so hot with felt great to yell and get it out in my dream. I have not spoken to them in about three years. At first I was saddned but now I am not so sad about it. I do sometimes wonder how they can embrace my ex's lifestyle and his new ways. It does baffle me. I am in a different place morally and that is just the way it is. I simply can not relate to them anymore. They are of THIS world and I am not. Plain and so very simple.
But that dream...How weird.

I filled up my son's car for him-gas is still $2.61 around here.....that seems like a deal. How weird.

Have a good evening out there.

Nice Weekend-so Far

June 18th, 2006 at 03:29 am

My two youngest are off on a weekend trip with my ex and my 16yr old son went for the weekend to visit my parents so my dad could take him along to the car races. So just my oldest daughter and I were here for the weekend. We have had such a blast together. We watched a video we rented on a Blockbuster gift card she had.... and ate out on Friday. I had my Applebees coupon so that helped. Today we went to the antique show. My daughter spent her birthday money. She bought a little estate ring in silver and a pearl like necklace....both very reasonable. It was so very hot I think the dealers were ready to deal and get in the cool shade. We had a picnic lunch at the show...pulled pork on a bun and cokes. It was so tasty and reasonable!!! I bought a neat old fashioned booklet on the Bible. It was from 1935. It has some great old fashioned pictures and drawings. It cost $1.00! We saw lots of people--- but hardly anyone seemed to be buying large big tickets items like in the past. I think the economy has hurt the annual antique show. It was still nice to get out and stroll and listen to the barbershop singers. We then hit some mall type stores my daughter wanted to go to. I did not see much....she found some shoes and a new wallet. Both very reasonable...she knows how to look for deals...I taught her pretty well...We then ate Mexican and it was so good! We came home and rested. I did call my mom to see if my son had been using his manners--- and he had been. He made his bed this morning and was having fun. I guess he played cards with them last night and this morning after breakfast. What a blessing all the way around.

Tommorrow is 9:30 church and then grocery shopping. I promised my daughter at her request we would eat lunch at the local hot dog place.

I miss my two girls. My ex has turned off his cell phone so I have not been able to talk to them. He is not too considerate. I hope they are OK. He is with his honey and they are "introducing" the girls to "her" parents. I have such mixed feelings. It is certainly strange for me. I hope my girls are OK and not too stressed by it all. I am sure they will want to share it all with me. My little one packed a small heart stone I keep on my dresser. She took a photo of the kitties too. When she left with her dad she was very teray eyed and upset. I had to smile and re-assure her...yet I wanted to keep hugging as well.It was hard to wave good-bye.

I had to go Fathers Day shopping last week with them...boy I hate that job. It is hard to pick out gifts and help them with things.
I am not sure if they are spending Fathers Day with him or not as he forgets to tell me his plans.

I finally turned on my a/c late today.
It got too awful for me. I did have all the blinds down. That really really helps. Gas was cheap so I filled up my sons car for him $2.61. I think that is a miracle! I will do the big ol' conversion van on Sunday. I have been driving his car because the gas mileage is so good. I have been faithful to wash clothes each day and hang them. The clothesline is a blessing! You can much!

I did get some " bonus" money on Friday.....some stock money my ex had with a stock club he was in with some friends...I got to get out of my that goes to the bank on Monday. My husband had a knack for buying too much stupid stock and losing the money over and over.....I am thnakful I even got some money out of the deal. I am also signing up and applying to be a grocery store demo person. I have the applications almost filled in. I will mail on Monday. I really hope they take me. I have to send a photo and I am nervous . I am not thin....and not great looking so maybe they will not want to hire me. I can be neat and tidy in appearance. I am nervous. I would like to work in the fall now that my little one is in school five days a week full time in first grade. I can pick and choose my schedule it sounds the extra money will be great. Plus I can be home if someone is sick or I can still help at school if needed. I am nervous since I am not great looking and I have not worked at a "job" since 1989. If God opens the demo door...I will walk thru it.

Blessings for a nice Sunday and a Happy Fathers Day!

Packing up all the Insanity!

June 14th, 2006 at 10:18 pm

I did help my neighbor today who got "evicted" out of her house due to divorce and bankuptcy. Not a good idea on my part.....I tried but had to leave after one hour. I helped by going thru JUNK...and pitching it. I made a huge dent in one area. But then my friend wanted to weed thru it all "just to be sure" nothing good was pitched. We are talking junk here. Pure trash! I am about as thrifty as them come....but she is really not seeing and thinking straight. Poor thing. I saw a huge stack of Bed, bath and Beyond store 15. I went to pitch and she yelled. My friend is BROKE....I told her you can NOT go shopping there. Then she had a stack about 12 inches high of pizza coupons.All expired from 2005.

There was dog hair everywhere. I decided I had to get myself and my three girls out of there.....I felt bad but I told her we had a dentist apt. I did feel badly...but she was acting so strange-it was not good for my girls. Her and her daughter were fighting over a $500 cell phone bill. How does it get that high????That is when I said to myself...I need to remove myself from all this anger and craziness.

I hope she lands on her feet. I feel her situation is almost dire becasue she has so much stuff it is insane! She needed to pack up about two years ago....As I was leaving the UPS man stopped and I got a package for her from was from QVC! I was shocked....she told me she bought some space bags! I then knew no amount of space bags would help this situation. Sometimes we have to get deep in the pit ourselves so we can figure how to climb out and that can be a good and valuable lesson. I truly pray that she finds some peace and her life can be much more simple in the future.

Free Plants to my Friend

June 14th, 2006 at 04:52 pm

Today my friend stopped over. I gave her a huge patch of Iris plants and two huge boxes of lush Ivy. It was so nice to rid myself of them and give her some things for her new flower beds around her new porch. I felt so satisfied that I could do that. Plus I gave her a perfectly good umbrella stroller for her soon to be born new baby girl. We have to look for opportunites to give. I believe at times when we are needy blessings will occur for us. I do not give to get but give because it feels right in my heart and spirit.

Today is Flag Day. If you have a flag please fly it. Just yesterday the news reported that a young man who was 24yrs old came home to be laid to rest not too far from our town. I felt so sad when they showed his father and mother on the TV news. I thought of my own children. NO matter your your flag today.

Hung more laundry last night and am washing DD sheets today to put out the line. Dinner is a simple recipe called Hobo dinner, which we love!
House is in good shape. I just have to a little each day and not stop doing that.
It is still cool A/C which is great. Such a money saver!!!!

The kids told me dad bought a basement full of furniture and a huge plasma type TV for "entertaining" purposes. How sad.
Money and things can not bring contentment and inner joy. He is hoping to to look good and "cool" to friends and family. I love my live of simple things. It fills me with peace. One day he will see how tiring that race can be to run. Some days I feel sorry for him. It is hard to think I was married to him......he has certainly changed. I guess that is what happens, when we go our seperate ways.

Have a good day everyone.

Free summer things to do

June 13th, 2006 at 02:37 pm

With four kids I am always looking for fun easy and cheap thngs to do---here are
a few we will do or have done thus far-

baked a cake
cleaned our a bit
swing on hamock
wrote thank yous for birthday gifts
ride bikes
made home made pancakes
hung school art work on garage walls for color and fun!
planned two birthday parties
organized garage
ran thru the sprinkler
planted a garden
watch world cup soccer
work in workbooks from school
play with dolls and play house
play with kitties
read books

enjoy this summer day and be blessed---

Birthday Gifts Returned

June 11th, 2006 at 11:47 pm

I went to Kohl's and got a $18 gift card back. That will go towards paying for a bathing suit for my daughter.
I did stop at Burger King and get a small chocolate milkshake. I could not constrain myself! They are simply the best as far as fast food places go-

Kids are with ex's family celebrating my daughters birthday...she was born on my 30th birthday! Every birthday is celebrated by my ex's family whether you want to or not with a big family party that is overkill and over-rated. The poor females in the family are constantly entertaining each other with elaborate dinners and cookouts. I do not miss it because I had to spend a huge amount of money on gifts all the time...for not only children and teens but all the adults as well. It got to be utterly ridiculous that family members turning 42 or 27 had a big party! Yes.....I love my simple life in many many ways.
It is very peaceful in my home. The children should be back in about 1 hour. I hope my daugther had a bit of fun--- she was not looking forward to it at all. I is not easy for her either. Big parties can be over-rated. No...I do not miss the hoopla.

Just Checking In

June 11th, 2006 at 10:31 pm

What a weekend! All the rehearsals ( 6 hours worth) and dance recitals went well for my two duaghters. It was a lovely two nights of dancing...the shows was really wonderful. My two girls do jazz, tap, ballet, and pointe. So it is so much fun to watch, esp in sparkly costumes!
My parents drove in to see Friday's show.
We enjoyed our short visit. My daughters were thrilled to see them. Everything is more special with grandparents to watch.
They sure dote on my kids! I am blessed!

Saturdays show was harder for me. I went with some other dance moms. Since we were helping at the show,we got great front row area seats. I then realized my ex has chosen to sit directly 7 rows behind me with is honey. I just could not emotionally handle it. I decided to move my seat. By the time I could sit down after collecting tickets and handing out programs....there was no seats left so I had to stand in the back of the concert hall for the entire three hour show. Maybe I am a coward but I wanted to watch the girls dance and not be bothered all evening knowing "she" was there right behind me checking me out. I know some awful day I will have to face her------but not this weekend. There I have said it....I am not too interested in meeting one of the reasons my husband left our family.

So this weekend I spent so much money it seems---pizza deleivered last night, flowers galore, my dad's birthday gift, fathers day gift,lunchie things I normally do not buy, film, batteries, it seems endless!!!
Today I am cleaning the kitchen really well...tossing out things and getting rid of some clutter. I am doing endless laundry as well. My son needed socks-his are awful and full of worn spots and holes..... so I gave him my TARGET gift card I got for my birthday. I just do not want to spend anymore "money" so to speak. So he will get his socks on Monday morning.

This is the first full week of summer vacation. The kids are thrilled to be out of school We looked thru all the leftover school items and saved what we can use again and threw away all the broken things or used up things. I already have the supply list so I can begin to watch for sales and clearance aisles to replenish.

My neighbor gave me a Birthday gift..she is so sweet. She bought it at Kohl's. I never ever keep things for myself. So I will return it. My daughter needs a modest bathing suit for a mission trip she is going on this that is where the gift money will go.

It is cool but sunny today. I put up two new clotheslines...and have them full of sheets, a quilt and washcloths. Remember I am not allowed to use clotheslines.....and remember I am a rebel.....sometimes I am a coward too....
We talked about going thru hard times in church today- I thought of myself and what I have been thru. For the most part. I have done pretty well...but then things like seeing my husband at the recital make me shutter and hurt all over again. I guess things take time and I need to remind myself that I am not a perfect person and I am human with feelings and emotions. It is OK to feel what I have felt. Feelings are never right nor are they wrong...they just are.

I am sorta glad all the hoopla is over....have a good Sunday everyone.

Keeping on Keeping on

June 7th, 2006 at 11:44 am

Today I am babysitting my neighbor's grandchildren who are from St Louis. They are here for a week long visit.
Grandpa had to go to work along with Grandma till lunch they asked me to babysit. These two little ones are very sweet. They always have a little smile on their faces. I am also keeping a single mom's daughter overnite tonight and taking her to school along with my friend works and there was a job conflict. So she asked if I could please help her. I know it was hard for her to ask--but I was glad to know she felt Ok asking we both have been thru a divorce and she and I are developing a kinship of sorts.

I have been a stay at home mom since my son was born over 16 years ago. I am very thankful I can be home. I enjoy it and have been happy here. I am glad I can be here for others today, it truly blesses me. I see how hard all mothers work period.....whether in the home or at the work place. It is incredible! I see also how hard fathers work as well. Such heros they are. Many working two or three jobs without much of a break. Families doing what ever it takes to make their families work and thrive! It is very nice to be around a community of folks who are trying to make wise money choices with their really encourages me each day to keep on keeping on. I am often amazed at how some families do so much with sometimes very little. Some of these families I know thru our school....they also seem to be the happiest people you would ever meet. Contentment and inner peace fill their lives. I almost never hear a complaint from them as well. Always seeing the bright side of things.....walking graciously thru storms and tribulations. They truly inspire me and make me feel very humbled at times. They help point out the times I am ungrateful and negative. It is a lesson I need to keep on learning over and over again.
God Bless you all and have a wonderful day.

Narrow Summer Paths

June 6th, 2006 at 09:42 pm

I am feeling so overwhlemed today---
it must be the end of school chaos???
I feel like I keep cleaning up the house and I turn around and it seems terrible again....I just do not get it. I try to get rid of clutter and junk as I go along each day but with four kids.....I am not sure why but things get rough around the edges so quickly.

Hopefully things will get better next week.....we just seem to be off schedule a bit....which is adding to the sense of chaos.

I am heading to the grocery store.....I have to make things work budget wise.
I will be shopping alone, thank goodness so I concentrate. The kids are eating steak and chicken and burgers at my ex's house tonight. She tries to cook but I always hear it is not too good. Oh well....I can't control that one bit.
Hopefully I will shop quickly and be very thrifty. My neighbor took my littlest one swimming today with his grand-kids, that was fun for her.

I have to keep on top of free things to do. I got my fifth grader to help at our church for vacation Bible school. She will help make crafts with her best friend and her mom. That is going to be a great week of fun entertainment for her. She told me today she is very happy to be helping! I was disappointed to see my church is charging $10 to go to VBS this year. I guess it covers snacks and supplies for 5 days. The other church in the even nicer neighborhood is charging $20! That is really steep--maybe I am old fashioned but churches never seem to charge for VBS.

I am planning on hitting garages sales and snagging lots of craft things or just getting some ideas to spark my mind.
Last summer we got a huge box of ribbons and laces...tons and tons...! We made so many things and we are still using all that fun stuff. It is fun to get ideas and make girls love it!

Summer goes fast.....there is a need for down fun relaxing time and a time for some planned structure. I am very glad I do not feel pressured in the least to have my children busy every second. Then I hear all the moms in late August complaining..."where did summer go?" I shake my head and want to say look at your calendar and check book. You paid for your kids to be all over the place doing about everything possible under the ran them around --from early morning swim team practice, to baseball games, to soccer camps, to baseball games, to art class and summer tutoring, to football conditioning, you squeezed in a trip or two because you have to go see the aunt and uncle....and then you paid for all of it...and now you complain?

We have to be thrifty on where we spend our summer time.
Summer is a fine dance between busy and bored. It is dance between contentment and needing the next vacation high. It is trying to not fit in with the Jones's or compete with them. It is all about walking down a new narrow almost un-noticed path. I am hoping I find that new path...perhaps it has a prickely but sweet blackberry patch along the way and some lovely looking daisies. In the distance perhaps a small creek with the gold sun dancing and sparkling upon it. Maybe I will slip off my worn flip flops and walk in the cool water and feel very refreshed as I feel the moss covered stones. Refreshed in body and in my soul. Then I hear it in a distance thru the trees----- the faint sound of four joyful children, laughing in the heat of a lazy summer afternoon.

This Week-

June 5th, 2006 at 02:37 am

I have a very hectic and nutty week coming up. School lets out. My kids are studying for finals, doing last term projects, term papers, book name it...! We have kindergarten graduation on Monday night, Monday is my DD's birthday, we have dance recital rehersals and two long nights of dance recitals on Friday and Saturday. Busy weeks I tend to have to spend or buy things I would not normally do-I really dislike that!

I have some teacher gifts, recital flowers......making a desert for Monday night, birthday seems endless and well...a bit overwhelming. It seems like I am getting ahead and then boom.....I am back to spending all over again!

After this week....things should get much more calmer and more sane. I dislike being overwhelmed with so many little details. I need to really focus on having the meals organized for the week, including snacks and drinks.

Tonight we had sloppy joes, apples, watermelon and chips-it was pretty simple but satisfying. My cooking has gone down hill a bit since becoming a single mother. I always cooked lots and made everythng very nice and detailed. I baked alot more too. Now I have to keep it simple. I think I used to try to bake and cook so my husband at the time would love and appreciate me....well it did not work I guess. So simple is so much better for me. I've learned that kids like simple far better than fancy any day of the week!

Today I was doing some spot weeding and two ladies were going for their evening walk. I weeded away when all of a sudden the one lady shouted to me from the sidewalk that my yard looked very beautiful. I shouted back a big thank you!!! Boy did that feel good. I told my son right away since he does all the mowing. It really cheered me up and encouraged me as a single mom. It was nice to have my yard noticed. It just felt plain...well....good. It really encouraged me to get the porch washed/hosed off and get out all the white whicker furniture, throw pillows, candles, worn quilts for the swing and the throws for the rocking chairs....lining the other side of the porch. I adore my porch as it is a simple and treasured respite sanctuary for me and my children along with guests who may come by.

The flags are flying and the birdhouse on the tall pole is tucked in the flowering hydragena looks very nice and it has a nice start.
I just need a few pots of pink geraniumns and then I will be set.

I wish my week was going to be simple.....but I know it is going to be nutty!!! I will sit on the porch next weekend and relax! Everyone needs a sanctuary.....that place needs to be discovered and cultivated. That is a wonderfully simple gift to give yourself. The gift of being alone and having time to think dream------how heavenly.

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