Home > A rough week!--so far....

A rough week!--so far....

August 2nd, 2006 at 02:27 am

This has been a tough week. Too darn hot!
It has been miserable here. I feel trapped in my house. I miss my porch! My ex has been also making my life miserable for a time. I got a email today from him--It was a nice long email complaining about everything I do....did do....haven't done.....should of done.....and rants about why the kids are not acting perfect and why they are not happy with him in general. i guess it is all my fault! Before he left me and the kids and our marraige -I begged him to talk and discuss and see a no he wants to talk????? UGH! I decided to simply delete the whole email and ignore him. I just decided I am tired of it and need a break. Then my son announces he is not going to FL with his dad and the other siblings. Then he decides today to maybe go! I feel like a worn out punching bag right now. I can tell....we ate out for lunch today....two days in a row!! I never ever do that----I am one thrify mom! I think I am just feeling out of control. Please pray that all my children leave for FL on Weds and I can get a break and re-group a bit. I just feel torn and really not at peace with myself. Hopefully they will all be packed and ready to go. I have never been so stressed out. As we co-parent-- basically my ex gets the kids whenever it is fine for him and his honey. I never ever have a say or choice in the matter. I look back on this and maybe I made a mistake. On the other hand I was tryng to put my kids first and accomadate their needs first. I am not sure which is best-I do know I really need to care for myself a bit here and that if I do not I will not be much use to anyone.

Small tip off the subject-- Go to the WalMart web site and sign up for free samples. Easy to do and I am sure it changes regularly.

3 Responses to “A rough week!--so far....”

  1. campfrugal Says:

    The best thing for you to do is be strong for your children and know that they are confused also. It is harder for a child to figure out his confursion and that is where, as parents, we need to step in.

    Also, you ex's rants, in general, really have nothing to do with you. The rants are his insecurities and he needs to deal with them on his own. You probably can't stop him from saying mean things to you, but you can control how you react to it.

    Take good care of yourself, eat and sleep well and let the ex know if a kind manner that, at this point, has no right to treat you any other way, but with respect. When [arents show respect for each other, inside or outside, a relationship, children feel more secure.

    I find taking "Relacore" on a daily basis helps me with my stress. I purchase it from e-bay. But, this is something for you to research and decide if it is right for you. I have a different type of stress, but it helps to keep my middle-aged (45) body stable. And, I try to do some yoga.

    Just make sure that you make great decisions that work for you and your children and stick to your guns, cause being wishy-washy is confusing to children also. They want someone to tell them what they need when they are younger and even as young adults. My 21 year old still needs guidance from me.

    Good Luck

  2. frontporchmom Says:

    Thank you for the great and insightful email.
    Everything you said in regards to ex comments...the more I have thought about it the more I know I am doing the best focus on the children, take care of me, limit stress and work on having a home that reflects peace and harmony as much as possible. I really appreciate the comments----it is helpful to hear from others who have walked a mile ahead of me.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    You are a strong, compassionate, wonderful woman who has dealt with a horrible situation with dignity and grace. I can tell what sort of a person you are by the way you discuss life on a day to day basis, how much you care for the people around you and your children. Don't for one minute let this man try to get to you. You are so far above that. You deserve the peace you have found on your front porch.

    Perhaps your children have seen that you have handled things so well and that your ex has not and this may very well be why he is having problems with them. When you see the true colors of your parents for the first time, it is life changing experience. It can change your attitude towards them for years.

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