Home > Flowers and Ramblings

Flowers and Ramblings

May 23rd, 2006 at 10:27 pm

Every spring I plant alot of geraniums.
Pink ones. I am not going to plant that many this year in order to be more thrify. My mother, God Bless her, every fall takes out her gernaiums in her flower pots and places them in brown paper bags and stores them all winter in the basement. Then she basically re-plants them and most of these dead looking plants grow back splendily! I am going to try to do this bagging of spent flowers this year. I tried it one yr. and they died. So I got discouraged.
I love flowers. Pink ones. So I am going to be very choosy and shop for deals. I mean you can not have a front porch and not have a few flowers! I am going to use some silk plants I have as well on my porch near the sitting area/parlor side. I can have some color yet not spend as much.

Antique show is in four weeks. I am going to save some money here and there to buy one small fun thing for the porch.
My DD number one wants to go for her birthday. She is just a young teen yet she loves anitques and old charming things like me.

Time to work on the vegie garden as well. I am not sure I am allowed to do that in my neighborhood. Well too bad.
I already got a note from the neighborhood assoc. that my mailbox is now not the style and I do not match the others. I have taken great care of it and it looks like it did 15 years ago!! It is wood and painted white. It is very simple in design, tasteful and it holds all my mail without fail. This mailbox never lets me down. It has performed well. My mailman has never uttered one complaint about it.
Why should I get a new one to simply match! Again..I am being a rebel and I am refusing to comply. I am sorry but what is this world coming too???? Why must my mailbox look like everyone else's? It is not an eyesore like I have 2 feet of weeds growing in my yard or that my house is painted bright purple with yellow polka dots and the doors are falling off the hinges.

Maybe I do need to move to the country where I can have a vegie garden, a clothesline and a mailbox of my choice.

I would love a big red barn too----filled with hay and chickens and a great old tractor. Maybe even a rope swing from the hay loft. I love barns and the simple life it represents. I can dream can't I??

4 Responses to “Flowers and Ramblings”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    Move to my house, so one cares what's going on at my place!!!

  2. frontporchmom Says:

    I must sound like such a rebel......I am cut from a different cloth!
    Have a good rest of the week!

  3. fern Says:

    Homeowner associations are a mixed blessing. On the one hand, they do ensure that all the homes are kept up and looking uniform, so property values are maintained. On the other hand, they can be overly rigid about all sorts of stupid your mailbox!

    I don't know if i could hand that sort of thing.

    I've noticed that many of my annuals that i planted in pots or window boxes that i had dragged in the basement or garage for the winter survived, with basically no water at all or winter long! I think watering a few times during the course of the winter helped overcome the odds tremendously though. I guess they go into dormancy and dont' need a whole lot til spring.

  4. Bouquets Says:

    A big barn, chicken, tractor, windmills, haystacks, green meadows, little ponds, oh the true face of nature is so mesmerizing and attractive! I would love to spend the rest of my lifetime at such a place. If only I Could!

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