Home > Giving back

Giving back

May 21st, 2006 at 03:14 pm

My child support finally started. I have it directly deposited to my checking account. Last month I got a windfall of sorts from a small real estate deal my ex did a few years ago. Thankfully it was included in our divorce agreement that I get half. I needed to now give. I tithe 10% to my church. I decided to do it in a new way. I tithed 5% to church and 5% to my kids' Christian School. The school is struggling a bit. They do OK but because they keep tuition as low as possible, they rely on some occasional fundraising.
I feel it is great ground to sow seed into. Giving to me is Biblical and well...common sense too. There are many ways to give and yet stay frugal. I never want to be "cheap" in the giving department. I love to make meals for people who have had a baby or just need the help in a time of great need. Many times over in other ways people have blessed me. What are ways we can give this week. I love to write notes to people. I had a huge stationary addiction many years ago. So I have a wonderful supply of nice notecards and papers. Simple acts of giving make our hearts less selfish even for a moment.
I am going to challenge myself to write some old fashioned notes this week and mail them. I will look for ways to give and bless.

2 Responses to “Giving back”

  1. robex Says:

    Very nice post...and very true!

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I have a stationary & writing utensil addiction.........still going strong! Love to write notes to people these days, they are always so few people still write!

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